Bill Ackman has one of his best years making 70% this year.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
quants (algos) lost to humans this year ...
Friday, December 25, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas ...!
today i completed the v5.5 of my thesis along with MMv5 (5th ver of my mental model) .. an year long journey for v5, which started on Maha-Sankranti day, where corona was a boom for me as it gave me reason to say at home, while working on it non-stop; & with that even my stars get senti with me, as here is my horoscope of the day ...
You're in a sentimental, nostalgic frame of mind, and you're far more interested in thinking about good times from the past than in looking toward the future. The good news is that you can only make the future positive by building on the past, so even if you've resolved to forget it all, the best will stay with you. Don't hesitate to pull out those scrapbooks and photo albums. If anyone can make the best of it all, it's you.
having gone though 5 beginnings & ends over last decade, and the last 3 versions in last 3 years, thinking that each of them is definitely my last .. i am not looking forward to the next (6th) anytime soon ... because each version means shredding what i know in previous ones, & starting all over again, although i leverage pieces from them .. & with
Welcome 2021 ..!
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Friday, December 18, 2020
LEI still +ve & continues to go up
TSLA going into S&P at 668, after a 500% rise YTD .. ridiculous for S&P; so most of of you who have S&P500 in your 401K will be buying TSLA today .. of course, indirectly.
plus, its a quad witching day..!
Thursday, December 17, 2020
at the expense of dollar ...
bitcoin $23,000
gold $1,900
silver $26
which side of the trade are you ..?
IJC in opposite direction, but CJC stays at 5M
again, traders feel good about higher IJC which means better chances of stimulus; $1Tin economy is a big deal against any level of claims .. weird thinking ..!
Housing came with strong starts
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
contradictory Fed ...
per FOMC minutes this afternoon, Feds decided to keep the rates unchanged which was expected, but they also expect a higher growth rate for 2021 as 4.2% .. a contradiction in itself ... but market always does the right thing; so, teenies jumped from .91 to .95, but returned back to .92 after the Q&A session.
yes, we all are looking forward for a spring opening of the economy, but with so much money supply & stimulus floating around, it could easily turn into untamed inflation, followed by Fed chasing with raising rates, and market dropping big time, as money supply is reduced and S&P not meeting earnings expectations .. but that's lot many predictions in one sentence .. so take it with grain of salt.
RS down - & take teenies with them but markets is holding up
although retail sales came down this morning & so do teenies from .95 to .91 but market is happy & so holding well, thinking that it increases the odds of getting the stimulus sooner.
weird human behavior ..!
Monday, December 14, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
first TSLA and now ORCL ...
& banks are leaving NY to FL .. high tax states need to tighten the budgets .. ow, there won't be many companies staying with them ...
humans drift from high taxes to low taxes .. its the law of nature
human thinking is limited to the language and words used
a human mind's capability of thinking is limited by the words your know; words that describe pre- existing concepts thoughts & ideas ...
the words you know are based on the language you use; for example, if you know two languages as Hindi and English vs one, your mind capability becomes much bigger ... e.g. if you specify pooja, archana, havan, etc .. these words only have meaning in Hindi although can be translated into English
moreover, words like Yoga and Karma which come from Sanskrit and used throughout the world; but only a handful understand their true meaning, as they don't come from their native language ...
in parallel, when you study physics & mathematics along with economics in any language, you vocabulary or mind capacity becomes larger because of a new domain.
finally, the words in each language can only be derived using the combination of letters; & in that context, Hindi as 52 letters, twice than English, which has 26 .. imagine how many more words you can have based on permutations
& Sanskrit has more letters than Hindi .. think about it ..!
Thursday, December 10, 2020
why do the cooking when there is more money in delivery ... as in doordash ?
mkt cap $57B compared to Chipotle at $37B & Dominos pizza $15B
why own a property when there is more money in renting it on-line as in airbnb ?
offering mkt cap $47B; EOD $100B
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
states, FTC file anti-trust suites against FB ...
market drop 1.5 % due to among other thing, including holdup on stimulus, & hitting a hefty target 3700 YD
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
Friday, December 4, 2020
S&P500 touches 3700
way higher that anyone predicted at the BOY, despite going through Corona
so much is the power of human prediction.
NFP 245K
lowest in recovery phase, & along with the labor participation rate dropped, as some folks have stopped looking
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025
of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...
although a quarter point cut is announced which is what was expected, but thinking about about fewer cuts next year dropped 4.2% fr...
That 40000 smart people working in US govt realized that they should quit before being fired .. .. that the job they are doing may not be ne...