Wednesday, March 31, 2021

ADP: 517K; Chicago PMI: 66.3

 both strong numbers .. + 2.25T infrastructure plan  = rates rising .. teenies 1.75+ .. holding the milestone 

but does this good news become bad news ..?

next stop 2.0 ..!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Archegos fiasco ..

Do you believe that it's one of a kind or the tip of an iceberg as the rates rise, what would it do to the highly leveraged world, including US Feds?
think about it ...!

vaccination is only solving last year's problem ...

even with 3M vaccines each day, the number of cases are still rising ... because the current version of the vaccine is only fixing last year's problem ..!

high cons confidence + stimulus

 = rising rate & inflation ..!

Friday, March 19, 2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021

teenies cosses 1.75 ...

30 years at 2.5 despite al assurance from Fed Chief

S&P drops 2%, market didn't like Fed chief's message; howsoever, massaged it was ..!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

market verdict before FOMC

 teenies 1.676 (at open); 1.689 (high pre-FOMC)

no rate change; as expected 

post announcement: 1.635 .. but what showed the biggest move is dollar ... which had a big drop; & of course, gold went opposite.

inflation is expected to rise 2.4% this year and Feds plan to deem it as transient - i.e. no action.

80B treas & 40B MBS monthly purchase; so the liquidity remains.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

a new addittion to TheVIP's kitchen

                                                                   creamy artichoke pasta

Happy Maha Shiva ratri


Thursday, March 11, 2021

President Biden signs the $1.9T relief bill --

as dems say, it has something for everyone, and I say, free money for all .. & it begins the inflationary era in USA ..!

 S&P touched Feb High and now will wait for FOMC due in a week.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

crude touching 70 is not a good start for Biden presidency ...

futures dropped 2p ON, but recovered in morning as tennies touched 1.6; and now Japanese are interested in buying US teenies.

so it becomes a huge issue for Feds, do they keep on buying USTr to keep the rates low or let the rates rise as the economy & inflation grow with flood of money, not to say the rising stock market and & real-estate .. 

it sounds like you love your chicken and want to have chicken masala.. oh .. i am still vegetarian ..!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A new additon to TheVip's kitchen #brown

                                                             #brown home made

Thursday, March 4, 2021

except energy/crude, rest of the market takes big hit today...

led by big-tech, a 6% drop from the high .. 2d drop of the year .. Jan was 4% .. NSDQ in red for the year.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

lack of leadership in dems

Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have yet to realize that they are no longer candidates for US presidency .. Warren still singing the 2% wealth tax; they should realize that any proposal of this nature should only come from the President ... then again, its just bunch of merry go round folks with total lack of leadership .. but then they know that President hardly makes any sense .. that workers should be able to unionize even if they they do have an agenda/issues.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Biden says employees must be able to form a union ...

but then some are wondering the role of a union .. & they say, its for the unions to figure out ..

so we should have an organization even if we don't know its purpose ..!

how fucked up thinking is that ..!

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...