Tuesday, August 31, 2021

end of August .. & 2/3rd of 2021

Happy Janmasthami  .. last night ..!

End of August .. today

ZOOM down 15%; QE guidance down for small consumer

HOOD falling as Paypal wants to enter in stock trading ... why not ..! 

while SEC tightening on PFOF

except Jan [this year] each of the months since last Nov is up ..!

Theranos trial - is Silicon valley culture about "fake it , till you make it .." works in software, but extending it on medical side was not a good idea ..!

US out of Afghanistan after 20 years .. what did we accomplish .. besides killing and getting killed .. 2400 American lives .. $1T & a new crisis ?

New Orleans - we don't even know when the power will be back ..

but SPX made a new high YD .. Thanks to Fed ..!

Chicago PMI 66.8 ... still lower than expected

Cons. conf. 113.8 & still a miss ..!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Fed chair speech at Jackson hole

inflation is temporary

no rate hike in near future

but reduction in securities purchase (aka taper) is on the table at year end.

Gold rises after Jackson hole.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

attack on Kabul Airport ...

funny thing is that we had a quite 2021 becuse Biden's administration was sleeping until now, when he took first action ... to withdraw from Afghanistan without any notice.

US has no business meddling in internal politics of other countries ... 

haven't learned iota after burning $2T & losing lives over 20 years.

US now relying on Taliban for protecting US citizens; & US chiefs expect Taliban to follow their word ..!

this morning's dose

 IJC 353K - higher than last week

CJC - 2.86K - higher than last week

Q2 GDP 6.6%

Sunday, August 22, 2021

now-a-days, its customary to ask ...

... are you a dog person or cat person ..?

& i thought that dog, cat & person are three different things ..!

Friday, August 20, 2021

life cycle based on Hinduism ..

If you wanna live happy, give up your free-will, do you karma according to your dharma; enjoy present w/o worrying about or borrowing from future, or thinking about past; time runs in a cycle, neither good nor bad times will last long ... Hinduism.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

VIP's b'day gift ...

 believe it or not .. my girl friend always brings a b'day gift for me ... each year ..!

If only you can guess, who she is and what she brings ...!

think what happened last night ...  & then what's happening today ..?

hint .. hint .. its public information ..!!!

IJC 348K vs est 365K

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Jim Cramer praises Cathy Wood that she is comfortable losing 40%

I am not sure about Cathy Wood, but for sure, Cramer is the biggest idiot - praising someone who is willing to lose 40p knowingly while investing in public markets is insanity, for both parties ..!

Michael Burry shorts Cathy Wood ARK funds ..!

RS down 1.1p

 not going to make her happy

Monday, August 16, 2021

bad news around ...

as i returned from Grand Canyon this afternoon, i find mess everywhere :

1. of course, on top of the list is Afganistan - US has no business, never did & never should have any business in other countries affairs unless we are engaged in war, which hasn't happened in a while ...

2. softer economic data from China

3. covid rising in US ... hopes of herd immunity are fading; PFE trying for 3rd booster shot ..!

4. California wildfires 

hope, US consumer still spending enough to hold this market level; which comes out tomorrow morning; otherwise, God save us from here.\

until tomorrow ..!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

SPX touched 4450

 July Consumer prices jump 5.4% but core inflation came lower than expected

Monday, August 9, 2021

JOLTS 10.1M - a record beyond imagination ...

 BL: workers are not interested in working ... Thanks to dems ..!

with strong job report, is taper in play ..? or Fed behind the curve ..?

market seems nervous at today's open, making a near-term top ..!

Friday, August 6, 2021

July NFP 943K; UNEMP rate 5.4%

with these numbers do you think Feds can hold such a dovish stand ? 

& IF not, will market be able to sustain these levels? 

Good news is starting to turn into bad news.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

ADP 330K ...

reflecting normal growth, not extra ordinary ..!

TNX dropping to 1.13

but ISM-SVCS came as 64, which reversed TNX to 1.17

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...