but does the definition really matter ?
with inflation in two digits, gas above $5, market dropping straight in first half of this year ..!
interesting both bonds and stocks are down this year; so no place to hide.
but does the definition really matter ?
with inflation in two digits, gas above $5, market dropping straight in first half of this year ..!
interesting both bonds and stocks are down this year; so no place to hide.
Fed raised rates by 0.75% ... & more to come .. assuring recession next year ..!
not distinguishing between cause vs effect ...
Biden blaming oil companies for having record profits.
If you throw money at consumer (aka stimulus), what would they do .. everyone coming to Vegas using cheap airlines ... crude price go up, especially against tight oil supply caused by Dem action, oil companies make more profit ... so who's to blame ..?
Market Behavior can be modeled using R & D; & you start thinking, sure, its about R & D; but its not what you are thinking, rather R & D stands for [TheVIP] Restaurant & Driving ... & both depend on Human Behavior.
e-motions are nothing but electronic version of motion, which occur in your head, uncontrollable in most cases, & result in pre-set human behaviors
got it ..!
unempl 3.6%
teenies 2.944%
ISM svcs a miss
coinbase rescinding job offers and TSLA for hiring freeze
of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...