Friday, December 30, 2022

finally leaving 2022 with outcome of debt driven high growth rate

 from $250 to less than $5 ... that's drop of 98+%

rising rates pulled the market down 20% in 2022 ...

2022 was bad for bonds as well as stocks, & real-estate, bitcoin; although not necessarily for inflation .. 

tech go hurt badly ... TSLA, FB, MSFT, GOOG you name it ... only shining case was energy, but it carries a small % in S&P

& the key point is that no one predicted a 20% down year at the beginning of 2022 ...

FTX was an eye opening case for funny money aka crypto ... so many names popped up recently that it was hard to keep up

& now everyone is talking about 2023 giving their projections in 10-15% range .. 

what do I think ..?  

I have no idea except that 2023 is the 10th year of my thesis whose one of the premises is that humans or computers have no prediction power on Market Behavior ..!

with that adios 2022 & Welcome 2023 ..!

Friday, December 16, 2022

my biggest fear ... it happened in Germany today ..!

whenever I visit an aquarium, I always think of a scenario what would happen, if it bursts ... 

these are large storage of water in a piece of glass & it can break

it will be more painful to the fish than humans ... it happened in Germany today ..!


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Binance CEO says BIG5 don't know how to audit crypto ...

the crypto exchanges hold your "so called assets" and pay you interest ... how?

they lend them to traders who use your so called assets to trade, borrow them on margin and play with them ... which

may loose or gain in value, IF they lose who losses, and gains who gains .. think about it .. 

Does NYSE allow that ..? well, to begin with the broker and exchanges are different companies like Charles Schwab & NYSE having different function ... & this smarty panty like SBF says BIG5 don't understand crypto or they don't allow the fraud that you are doing establishing these outside US ... think about it ..!

Crypto is now fraud power 3 ... first they are "so call assets" & then you allow your exchange to hold them and then trade them ... WoW power 3  ..!

IJC 211K - market doesn't like it as it supports Fed to go strong

 BOE & ECB follow feds and raise rates by 0.5% 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Fed raised rates by 0.5% ...

 cur rates 4.25%-4.5% with a target of 5% by end of next year

its not all good at house of TSLA ...

 stock down 60% in one year.

is tracing Crypto really possible ?

by someone other than those who design it ... with so called infamous blockchain technology ..!

its simply a blob for most people except those who designed and built it & what if they are the thief themselves ... its like only thief knows where the keys are hidden .. kya baat, kya baat .. ek or kya baat ..!

it was one of the biggest promise, so that "govt. intervention" is not required, has been proven wrong without any doubt.

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...