Monday, January 30, 2023

salesforce looking half the price it paid for Slack - about $14B ..

any takers ..? 

for $1B sales ... someone paid $28B and call themselves as smart ..!

this is how valuations are done in tech world .. $1 one day $0.50 the next.

it was all about cheap money which is no longer available ..!   

Friday, January 27, 2023

Thursday, January 26, 2023

no more R word in the air ..

 Durable goods, GDP & IJC all came good; so folks are avoiding using the R word ..!

Monday, January 23, 2023

is crypto really better than other forms of currency ..?

people thought it can't be stolen; hack-able [due to blockchain technology], doesn't lose value, untouchable by Govt. etc. etc.

what all the currencies have in common is dealing w/ humans .. or human behavior to be precise ..!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

and that's the funniest thing...

Merck is set to remove cancer causing chemicals from diabetes drugs ... no wonder these drugs are so effective... if they can cause cancer to you, they can do anything, including taking care of your diabetes... funniest ever, like my daughter would say ...!

does ESG have any meaning for business?

isn't it a fact that all businesses hurt environment one way or other?

So, what's the point? Well, there is none and that's the point.

What's Larry Flink upset about?

Friday, January 13, 2023

my experience w/ chatGPT .... & the relevance of my work as why AI can't even think about it

Open AI and Chat GPT being talk of the town and with fantastic reviews all around, i decided to put it to test to see what does Chat GPT has to say on my work; really i was scared to type my questions below as to what if this tool already knows the solution that i am working on for last 10 years, and to my satisfaction and joy, it only knows what everyone else does .. so my work is still sacred ..!

Thank God!!!

VIP: What's Behavior finance ?
chat GPT: Behavioral finance is a field of study that combines psychology and economics to better understand why people make certain financial decisions. It examines the psychological and emotional factors that influence investors' behavior, and how those factors can lead to irrational decision making. Some key concepts in behavioral finance include cognitive biases, such as the tendency to overestimate one's own abilities or to overestimate the predictability of financial markets, as well as emotional biases, such as the tendency to make decisions based on fear or greed. The goal of behavioral finance is to help investors make more rational and effective decisions by understanding and overcoming these biases.
VIP: does behavior finance have any mathematical model?
chat GPT: Behavioral finance does not rely on a single mathematical model, but rather draws from a variety of different models and theories from economics, psychology, and other fields. Some of the mathematical models used in behavioral finance include:
  • Prospect theory: A model that describes how people make decisions under uncertainty, and how their preferences for gains and losses are affected by the way the options are framed.

  • Heuristics and biases: A model that describes how people use simple rules of thumb, or heuristics, to make decisions quickly and efficiently, but that these heuristics can lead to systematic errors or biases in judgment.

  • Mental accounting: A model that describes how people categorize and evaluate financial outcomes based on their source, rather than their absolute value.

  • Behavioral asset pricing models: A model that describes how investors' irrational behavior can affect stock prices and returns, such as overreaction, under reaction and momentum.

  • Neuro - finance: A model that uses neuro -imaging techniques to study the neural processes underlying financial decision making

Overall Behavioral finance uses a combination of mathematical models and empirical studies to understand the psychological and emotional factors that influence financial decisions, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how markets operate.


VIP: is financial market behavior predictable?
chat GPT: The predictability of financial market behavior is a topic of ongoing debate in the field of finance. Some theorists argue that markets are efficient, meaning that all available information is already reflected in current prices, and that it is impossible to consistently predict future prices or returns. Others argue that markets are not fully efficient and that there are patterns or anomalies that can be used to make profitable predictions.

Behavioral finance argues that investors' irrational behavior can lead to predictable patterns in market prices, such as overreaction to news events or momentum in stock prices. However, it's important to note that even if certain patterns or anomalies can be identified, it does not necessarily mean that they can be consistently exploited to generate abnormal returns. The financial markets are complex systems with many participants and factors influencing prices, making it difficult to predict future market movements with high accuracy and reliability.

In summary, while some patterns or anomalies may exist in financial markets, it is unlikely that they can be consistently used to predict future prices or returns with high accuracy.


VIP: do humans have predictive powers?

chat GPT: Humans have the ability to make predictions based on patterns and information they have learned from past experiences. However, the accuracy of these predictions can vary depending on the complexity of the situation and the amount and quality of information available. Humans are prone to cognitive biases that can affect their ability to make accurate predictions. These biases include overconfidence, confirmation bias, and the availability heuristic, among others.

In the field of finance, professional investors and analysts often use complex mathematical models and vast amounts of data to make predictions about future market movements. However, even with this information, it is still difficult to make accurate predictions about the financial markets due to the complexity and uncertainty of the system.

In summary, humans have the ability to make predictions, but the accuracy of these predictions can be affected by cognitive biases and the complexity of the situation. In finance, accurate predictions are challenging due to the complexity and uncertainty of the financial markets.



Friday, January 6, 2023

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...