US consumers is in $17T of debt ..
IF Big-daddy doesn't mind carrying so much debt should children not follow their parents ..?
US consumers is in $17T of debt ..
IF Big-daddy doesn't mind carrying so much debt should children not follow their parents ..?
getting close to $1T ... Thanks to ChatGPT & AI boom ..!
other funny aspect of the story is that most of the analysts were predicting 0 or negative growth for this year for NVDA in Dec 2022, which turned out as 100% today; so should i say that the analysts are 100% wrong, or infinite % wrong ... i wonder why we still have a profession which make such bizarre misses on predicting earnings, and still commends high compensation
" The fastest pace of rate hikes by the Federal Reserves in decades combined with negative social media sentiment contributed to the failure of SVB's failure ... "
& I say, hey chief, first take some accountability that you are a plain idiot, as rest of the bank CEOs (a few thousands or so) could see it coming & didn't issue low rate mortgages to their friends ... & second, IF you didn't know or do something when Feds were raising the rates throughout last year, you should only be paid minimum wage & not suited for being the CEO of a bank ... which you are right now ..!
but Jan and Feb were revised much lower than reported previously
unempl 3.4% is one of the lowest
of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...