Friday, May 22, 2020

love or arranged marriage ..?

recently i saw a video where they asked the current generation in India if they would prefer a love or arranged marriage ..?

& the response from both boys and girls was equally divided .. but just about everything else, i always question the question, first ..?

do people really understand the question ..?

shouldn't the question be, "whether you prefer to find your life partner yourself, or with the help of a third-party, including your parents ..?"

because to me, love & marriage are not mutually exclusive, if there is no love, there is no marriage - a love-less marriage or a dead relationship -  first the two people need to enjoy each others company, & they end up loving each other to what the other person does, and then only there is a possibility of a marriage & not in reverse ...

maybe that's what they mean when they define an arranged marriage in India - a love less marriage ..!

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