Sunday, June 7, 2020

INTP pesonality behavior

an INTP sees the world as myriad of possibilities; specifically, the way i see a given situation is how much i don't know versus what i know ... its not a negative trait, rather an INTP always sees far more possibilities than most other people do ... & this becomes a point of contention when dealing with people ...

e.g. if i have an interest in a subject & am facing a situation, chances are high that i have already identified 24 possibilities, & i know that there are 24 more out there, even though i can't describe them at present; in contrast, others who may know only a few possibilities, think they have already figured out everything; and expect an INTP to praise them, give them A+, but end up getting C ... which doesn't jive with most people .. rather an INTP, me specifically, would be more than delighted to hear, people say, " here are the 3, but i don't know enough!" would get B+ for making an effort & being honest to themselves

secondly, when you are planning to get from point A to point B, an INTP needs to know each & every step in the middle, while even INTJ - the mastermind - would say that i will have someone else figure out or we will find out on the way, instead, an INTP would be more comfortable saying, "i don't know all the steps to get there, even though we resolve it later" .. what it also means is that INTP spend most of their times thinking & planning - a plan that never completes - generally lasts a decade, much like this venture, but but but, once they call it done, its really done; i.e. the solution is simple, stupid & fool proof, just like E = MC2 ... & there is not much left for a chance.

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