Wednesday, June 24, 2020

logical fallacies .. use of facts but manipulation of logic by experts ...!

how smart people use facts but manipulate the logic to arrive at faulty conclusions ..!

in context of putting a pause in H1B visa applications, the tech chiefs have come out to oppose it arguing that it will limit innovation and new startups in future & will hurt the economy in long-term ... which is a fact, but the admin. has never said that it is done forever ... at present, when the administration's main worry is to keep everyone employed in this country by not letting the companies fire any workers .. when the unemployment in the country is in teens, does it make sense to bring someone from out of the country for employment ..?

i hear experts saying that stocks go up in long-term, so you can invest in them anytime, which is technically a fact, but as an expert in subject matter, which is the key, you many not wanna apply those facts at the peak of internet or real-estate bubble, from where stocks went down 50% ... and a fact becomes logical fallacy ..!

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