Monday, August 31, 2020

Saturday, August 29, 2020

A new addition to TheVIP's kitchen ... Shahi Paneer


                                                         cashew & tomato base (below)  + paneer = shahi paneer


Friday, August 28, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

DOW makes historical changes ...

 Exxon, Raytheon & Pfizer are out (oil & old pharma) and replacing them are:

Amgen, Salesforce & Honeywell- tech & biotech ..!

Trump nomination provides extra boost to the market ...

 go figure ..!

economy V or W ..?

interesting that economists are seeing the next recession in 2021, while stock market just passed the last high in Feb.

The big business have molded themselves to improve the earnings by cutting costs, coupled with Fed boost, but what about the small businesses ..? 

as i do my walks, i find most of them are hurting big time ..!

Friday, August 21, 2020

low rates + COVID => boost to housing

 S&P near all time high but 46% of the individual stocks have -ve return YTD.

which side of the trade are you?

Have a nice weekend as i am off to camping ..!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Target beats expectations .. &

 govt. talking more stimulus .. a trillion here, or a trillion there, who cares ..?

& apple hits $2T valuation from almost bankruptcy in 1997 to most valued company in the world.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

S&P made a fresh new high

beating its Feb Record

retail numbers from Walmart & home depot look really good.

US housing starts surge.

Death Valley recorded the highest temp ever on planet earth - 130degF

                                                  enjoy a selfie with kulfi in this heat

Monday, August 17, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

5 to 1 split in TSLA boosts the price by 8+%

 funny math .. as finance is not a zero sum game ..!

uber plans to stop the service in CA ...

due to political backlash to turn the drives as employees ... & the company's claim is that they can't run teh service as they are running into huge losses .. & herein is the problem as well as the solution:

first, the problem, like other tech companies; Uber is a price advantage model, where consumer is the beneficiary of lower price (in fact its roughly about half); but unlike facebook & google's advertising models, where the service is paid for by a third party & so its free to the consumer with an excellent service; however, in case of Uber, the driver is crushed with wear on the car and no benefits.

but, if the service is valuable to consumer, why not charge 20-50% more, as the consumer, in my opinion is paying about half compared to a cab service today, & it should make all parties "happier" including govt.

CPI 0.6% ...

 like PPI, its twice than expected.

teenies .686 ... crushing bond holders big time ..!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

vaccine news from Russia excites the market ...

 S&P setting a new record high, although NASDAQ is lagging, also known as rotation.

bonds taking a dive today with teenies jumping to .655 ...!

Jul PPI 0.6% ...

 double than expected ... 

ex-food & energy ... 0.5% 

its coming & gold & silver investors are smiling ..!

Friday, August 7, 2020

9/11 vs corona ...

both sad incidents in US history and i call both as attack on US soil ... about 3K people died on 9/11, while 300K people are expected to die in US by the end of the year. both brought recessions to the coutry attacking the mobility. think about it.

Jul NFP 1.8M

unempl rate 10.2%

Thursday, August 6, 2020

IJC: 1.2M

teenies touched .504 before the news, but took off from there to .538 in PM as Trump calls to take an executive action tomorrow in case of there is still no settlement in Congress.

market cheers after an overnight drop mainly in NASDAQ

a counter-intuitive thinking by the experts ...

Goldman puts a warning today that a corona vaccine approval will bring the tech stock valuation down ..
as the current valuations are based on the assumption that people will stay at home in foreseeable future ..!

theirs as well as others' analysts have been touting for higher valuations until now ... because did they assumed that the solution is not arriving in near future ..?

think about it ..!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Jai Sia Ram ...

after 500 years, a milestone is achieved in India ... It was a humbling experience to see the prime minister Modi as a genuine devotee and determined person, who led the country to see this day become a reality ..!

he did a sashtang pranam to the Lord, & i can tell you half the Hindus don't even know what it is or how to do it right .. & unlike most other politicians who would only go show only a political gesture ..!

he changed the slogan a bit, instead of Jai Shree Ram, its Jai Sia Ram ... a softer version & i didn't realize the difference until i heard it myself & i would say good choice ..!

Haven't seen many rational people in my life (btw, in behavior finance, an irrational person is same as normal which most of the humans are), & he is not only rational but also a politician ... so, he got way up on my list ..!

joke of the day ...

a security analyst at BOA downgrades APPL stock, while raises its price target at the same time .. it must be crazy or drunk or maybe both ... but that's what they are being paid for.

ADP: 167K

ADP: 167K, missed by a million or so ..!

the point is that those numbers in millions are already history, and they are flattening to prior ranges.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Sunday, August 2, 2020

nature vs human creation ...

one of my hypothesis is that most things created by nature/God are asymmetric in shape, while humans strive for building symmetric things .. & i can give you many examples, but one of the simplest ones is shape of a mountain or a river (nature's creation) vs shape of a building or road (man's creation).

now think about the stability & durability between the two ... how long nature vs man's creation last?

but before i compare the nature vs man's design; think about the stock market charts in the following context:

1) do stock charts look like symmetric figures like trends and buildings, or more like mountains and valleys?
2) how are humans trying to solve them mathematically to find out their shapes ..?
what's the point ?

well, the points is that humans assume that market behavior has some some sort of symmetry; therefore use mathematics (which is based on symmetry of numbers), or regression to identify trends, & in most cases find one when there is none ...!

these mathematical solutions work fine to analyse and design humanly things like a building, but would fail miserable to define the shape of a mountain ... it will be an almost impossible to define the shape of a mountain (a nature's creation) in a mathematical equation ...!

extending this logic, there are some interesting shapes also known as fractals or mandlebrot curves & in them a basic shape is called cardioid, which is considered close to the shape of of heart designed by a mathematician ..which looks like as below:


now compare a mathematician's cardioid to God's creation, which can last up to 100 or so years ..!

hope you get the point ...

in conclusion:
1) designing & building something based on symmetry may not be the best approach &
2) mathematics which is based in symmetric number line may not be suited to define and solve human problems - like emotions and behavior.
3) assuming human emotions and behavior drive the markets, the mathematics (currently in use) wouldn't work.

think about it ..! 

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...