Sunday, August 2, 2020

nature vs human creation ...

one of my hypothesis is that most things created by nature/God are asymmetric in shape, while humans strive for building symmetric things .. & i can give you many examples, but one of the simplest ones is shape of a mountain or a river (nature's creation) vs shape of a building or road (man's creation).

now think about the stability & durability between the two ... how long nature vs man's creation last?

but before i compare the nature vs man's design; think about the stock market charts in the following context:

1) do stock charts look like symmetric figures like trends and buildings, or more like mountains and valleys?
2) how are humans trying to solve them mathematically to find out their shapes ..?
what's the point ?

well, the points is that humans assume that market behavior has some some sort of symmetry; therefore use mathematics (which is based on symmetry of numbers), or regression to identify trends, & in most cases find one when there is none ...!

these mathematical solutions work fine to analyse and design humanly things like a building, but would fail miserable to define the shape of a mountain ... it will be an almost impossible to define the shape of a mountain (a nature's creation) in a mathematical equation ...!

extending this logic, there are some interesting shapes also known as fractals or mandlebrot curves & in them a basic shape is called cardioid, which is considered close to the shape of of heart designed by a mathematician ..which looks like as below:


now compare a mathematician's cardioid to God's creation, which can last up to 100 or so years ..!

hope you get the point ...

in conclusion:
1) designing & building something based on symmetry may not be the best approach &
2) mathematics which is based in symmetric number line may not be suited to define and solve human problems - like emotions and behavior.
3) assuming human emotions and behavior drive the markets, the mathematics (currently in use) wouldn't work.

think about it ..! 

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