Monday, October 26, 2020

Liz - Elizabeth Taylor story

watched the movie - really insightful ...

Elizabeth Taylor - one of the most beautiful women ever lived; smart, talented, rich & successful by any comparison .. but the other side of her life is that she was married 8 times, to 7 men (twice to Richard Burton) ... & all these men were handsome, rich & successful, but none of the marriage did last long, even when any of these guys would give their life for her ... so, what happened ..? 

from my observations, watching the movie, she enters each marriage happily & willfully but she ended all the marriages which span from 1950 to 1990 (over a 40 years period .. WoW!) because she finds something new & something exciting in next one, which makes her unhappy in current situation .. now that's hell of a story for a researcher of human behavior like me .. so is it all about your happiness, right? is it my over-simplification ..?

& IF the above statement is true, then the situation becomes much simpler, how do you define happiness and where does it come from?

To be continued ...

on 10/29, where market dropped 3% ON despite solid mega tech earnings; & to that i wrote  the following: "market dropped because she wasn't happy in first place ..."  so no matter how hard you try, it ain't gonna help; as her (un) happiness / disappointment is her internal matter (you know who, the market!)

think about it .. both market & Liz's  story have a lot in common ...!

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