Thursday, October 8, 2020

WTF .. a 26 years old need health insurance in parent's policy ...?

stupid dems policies .. really, is that what you need to sell to get into power ?

at 18, you have a right to vote & right to fuck (of course, with consent), but need to depend on your parents for health insurance ..!

the "affordable healthcare act" is almost gone because its not affordable and can't survive unless highly subsidized by govt.

from Kejriwal to Kamala, the stupid left needs a lesson in economics 101 that there is no such things as "free" in this world .. so, stop selling your stupid ideas ..!

** in reference to the VP debate last night .. disclosure: i am independent voter, & I know that all politicians lie and i am not even concerned about that because its a fact, but i really hate when politicians use catchy words to persuade people using false logic.

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