Monday, November 30, 2020

"The golden age of the City of London may be coming to an end" ... Bloomberg

courtesy of Brexit

which is courtesy of democracy .. which fails miserably when those who have a right to vote don't have a clue what the hell they are voting for ..!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

God vs Human domains: Context: Human behavior


God’s domain

  1. MIND is GOD given; which gives us creativity & ingenuity; plus memory & processing, but we build upon them as a collection of biases based on our experiences
  2. EMOTIONS ARE NATURAL; its part of being human; magic vs logic
  3. HUMAN BEHAVIOR is given; hasn’t changed much in millions of years, but has become complex due to ideologies and organizations created by us

Human domain (aka your free will)

  1. Your ACTIONS & IN-ACTIONS are your CHOICES, which have consequences
  2. EXPECTATION VS REALITY decides whether the outcome [of your action] will make you happy vs sad
  3. LIFE is simply a journey & an experience; it begins and ends with zero & has no purpose; the best you could achieve is be happy & IF each one of us is happy then the whole world is a happy place; but given free will by God (#1 in God's domain), our mind can’t rest with such a simple goal; hence we have created the world as it is today, for ourselves.
Happy Thanksgiving ..!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

DOW hits 30000

yes, predictions do come true, but it may not happen in your life time .. as i remember during dot com boom, someone predicted that DOW will hit 30000; and yes it did today in 2020

so is that each one of us will be dead, sooner or later ..!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

retail sales light, but bus inv solid build for XMas & housing doing well ...

 amazon in pharmacy business

TSLA in SP500, although they are still figuring out how to fit it as its too late and too big to bring in the index; may have to displace many as its mkt cap weighted; Elon makes $$$12B ON

Saturday, November 14, 2020

laws of nature & free will ..?

since i follow astrology, many people ask me the question:

so, what about free will ?

first of all, astrology follows the principles of physics, or may be it is other way round, because physics only deals with physical (dead) bodies, whereas astrology not only deals with physical bodies but also human emotions, causing their behavior.

per Newton's law of gravitation, any two bodies have a gravitational force between them, which is proportional to their masses and inversely proportion to the square of the distance between them; & astrology is based on the same principle, as the planets around us affect us based on the force generated between the two, and astrology has lived for thousands of years ...

okay, what about free will ..? well, there are laws of nature (like Law of Gravitation) which run the world and there is free will, that you have a choice to follow them, align with them, or go against them ..! e.g. you can hike up in the mountain safely, as long as you know how to manage your center of gravity within you; otc, you have a free will to go against gravity, and jump from the 5th floor ... well, that's your choice (or free will) and so is the outcome; action/reaction (another Newton's law); oh no, its same as concept of Karma from Geeta ..!

bottom-line, yes, God has given you free will, and you have all in your right to exercise it, but the question is would you want to exercise that option (you may choose to use Black Scholes options pricing model or just align with nature!); & the choice is yours, and yours only .. & if you wanna know what you should align with, that's where astrology comes in ..!

Wishing you all a Happy Diwali ..!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

your experience at a restaurant ... & Human behavior

 depends on 

1. restaurant: location, ambiance, seating arrangement, temp., view

2. your tummy situation: full, hungry, not too hungry !, full to hungry; hungry to full

3. mood: interest in eating, specific food in mind not served here, company of people; etc.

4. the food & the service (attitude and smile of the waiter/waitress) 

& 3 out of 4 (above) have nothing to do with the food, or the waiter/waitress, rather very much in your control ... or in other words, you have certainty about it, before you start eating ... 

so goes the uncertainty in your life or markets ... 75% out of window .. just like that.

think about it ..!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

presuming Trump is not going to concede, Biden declares victory last night ...

from human experience perspective, i wonder what did Trump get in last 4 years ...

in first year, he broke Paris accord, so Europeans start hating him .. no longer a team-player ...  faced Russian collusion ... then FBI director Comey ... then Jeff Sessions & then Robert Mueller ... iving a life against your own administration as no one accepted him as POTUS .. he was able to get corporate tax cuts, which gave boost to markets & he knew it; some of companies returned to US; and then Republicans lost House; so Dems worked on impeachment for one full year, while he worked on trade deal with China, which they didn't like; got out of impeachment .. joined Modi in Texas and even took a trip to India & on the way he got the news ... US hit by Corona, courtesy from China .. full employment economy to full shut down & then the riots on the streets & he himself caught Corona .. hospitalized & recovered quickly .. no breaks & then the elections, which was close .. now the legal battle ... & face more legal battles in Biden presidency ... this is the life of a politician.

Yes, he became POTUS for 4 years, his lifelong dream, but really at age 74, was it worth it ..?

Friday, November 6, 2020

NFP: 638K UNEMP 6.9%

 things are looking pretty good .. getting closer to full employment ..!

Trump should get all the credit to not closing the economy, but may be bit late to turn things in his favor.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Biogen up 43% today ...

 Hey, get out of election mode .. we still have Corona to deal with .

elections outcome awaited ...

all that anxiety needs unwinding ..

teenies down to 76 (15%); recovering

markets dropped 3% & then rose 3% - now settling

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

wonder if media networks have hired statsticians or cooks ...!

because how the hell everyone looking at the same numbers can come up with different outcome / interpretation that very much suites their political affiliation & if so, why hire a highly paid statisticians, cooks will do just fine;  that's why i enjoy cooking .. as i can cook up anything ..!

not sure, if a winner would be declared tonight (written as of 1137PST), market has already given up; hence down 3% since 4 hours ago.

pre- election results, market closed in the middle as did the recent polls ...

Market closed near 3400, half way between 3600 and 3200, recent high and low, in Corona ...!

ANT IPO, the largest ever, now on hold ...

 seems like Chinese regulators are not happy ..!

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...