Saturday, November 14, 2020

laws of nature & free will ..?

since i follow astrology, many people ask me the question:

so, what about free will ?

first of all, astrology follows the principles of physics, or may be it is other way round, because physics only deals with physical (dead) bodies, whereas astrology not only deals with physical bodies but also human emotions, causing their behavior.

per Newton's law of gravitation, any two bodies have a gravitational force between them, which is proportional to their masses and inversely proportion to the square of the distance between them; & astrology is based on the same principle, as the planets around us affect us based on the force generated between the two, and astrology has lived for thousands of years ...

okay, what about free will ..? well, there are laws of nature (like Law of Gravitation) which run the world and there is free will, that you have a choice to follow them, align with them, or go against them ..! e.g. you can hike up in the mountain safely, as long as you know how to manage your center of gravity within you; otc, you have a free will to go against gravity, and jump from the 5th floor ... well, that's your choice (or free will) and so is the outcome; action/reaction (another Newton's law); oh no, its same as concept of Karma from Geeta ..!

bottom-line, yes, God has given you free will, and you have all in your right to exercise it, but the question is would you want to exercise that option (you may choose to use Black Scholes options pricing model or just align with nature!); & the choice is yours, and yours only .. & if you wanna know what you should align with, that's where astrology comes in ..!

Wishing you all a Happy Diwali ..!

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