Saturday, May 1, 2021

my views on unfortunate situation in India

stop using mathematical models to predict situations where humans are involved ... which means, most of the situation that we deal in life.

math based on symmetric nature of number-line cannot be used to project / predict any situation where humans are involved ... which ended up resulting in a disaster in case of second wave of corona in India.

second, we are dealing with a virus, which requires humans to take an annual cocktail; so we can co-exist .. the vaccine that people are given doesn't have much use, although i am not against it, as its there to fix last years' version (Q1 2020), & we are dealing with the next version, as the virus has moved on, while humans are still stuck w/ solving last year's problem ... as you can imagine the flu shots are given each year; plus, the flu and the shots typically arrive at the same time, & still people die, when there is a mis- match or mis- timing.

BL: unless we coincide with the version of virus, we have no control on the problem .. & we are no way near that state .. but likely by the end of this year, IF people learn a few things ..!

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