Wednesday, July 28, 2021

content or no content [of their own]

 both U-tube and NFLX have same revenue $7B ... one company pays a hell lot and spends time & energy to make new content, while the other does nothing .. & let humans create their own ..!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Yellow Thai curry



NHS down 30% from peak in Jan

 676K annualized

key note of today is that TIPS yielding -ve - a historic day and a milestone as to what does it tell about future growth / inflation ..?

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Can INTPs be manipulated, and if so then how?

** a beautiful answer i found on Quora about INTP ***

Not really. Manipulation is a form of control and when an INTP feels controlled they will avoid you, make cutting remarks, or get angry and fight back. And what is manipulation, but an orchestrated or unfair maneuver. Mental distortion, or emotional exploitation simply doesn’t work with INTP.  Skillful words, appeals to emotion, trying to get them to feel sorry for you, or getting into something they don’t want to, won’t work out very well. They won’t get political about it either and go behind your back like some people would. They’re upfront and won’t mince words. Deceit is a dangerous quality to have around an INTP, who can sniff things out like a detective at a crime scene. Once more, a light sense of humor, paired up with an intrinsic ability to cut through BS could actually make them laugh in your face. If its a planned and dangerous kind of manipulation they will appear as if they don’t understand, but they do. The only ones they care about or willing to make sacrifices for are usually close family members, or life long trusted friends  ... "BUT THAT LEEWAY ONLY LASTS SO LONG ...MY WORDS IN CAPITALS"

IJC reversed direction this morning ... delta scare

 or enough unemployment compensation by Govt.

Friday, July 16, 2021

RS x-auto x3 than expected

hot economy & hot markets & hot summer

restaurants in Hamptons, including catering services, are fully booked for summer

is there a theme here ?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

an INTP way of thinking ...

found this interesting post on Quora, by an INTP ...

the point is  that only an INTP can think of a 2 page answer to a simple question .. 

whether you agree with the post or not ..?  its immaterial, but its true in reverse ... that the writer is definitely an INTP ...!


To succeed in life, you have to complete a high school education with a 4.0-grade average, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and community service.

Then you have to apply to one of the top Universities in the U.S or wherever you are from.

To get into a top school of your choice requires somewhere around 1500 on your SAT score which would put you in the 99th percentile or top 1% of all those who take the SAT.

On average about 1/3 of students drop out of their Undergraduate education and 1/7 drop out of their Masters's degree program.

If you do make it through, it will likely take at least 10 years of your life to complete everything from an undergraduate to a master's to a Ph.D.

You'll come out of it with at least 100,000 dollars of debt and you'll make anywhere from 70,000 a year to 300,000 a year depending on what you chose to study.

Professors make on average 100,000 a year.

After that, it's time to climb whatever corporate hell you chose to throw yourself into.

Your colleagues will hate you if you are smart, and due to peer review, they will likely steal your best ideas.

Your best chance is to stay humble, lay low and write a book or try to retire early.

At some point during your life, you will forget why you came there, and you'll burn out or become a consultant in some advertising research agency.

You'll realize that you've spent your entire life pushing paperwork and you'll wake up one day wishing you had done something different with your life.

But at this point, it will be too late.

This is a success story in the United States.

However, most people don't even make it this far.

Most people won't receive more than a 4-year undergraduate degree.

Most people won't make it into a top school or make more than 60,000 a year.

Most people won't have children or have successful relationships or believe in anything that matters to them personally.

In saying all of that, I know that it doesn't matter.

It's likely that if you are trying to be successful, you will spend your entire life playing it safe and trying to make other people happy.

I don't believe life has to be that way, but I've never been able to convince anyone otherwise.

I believe it is possible to fail at something that truly matters to you and to still feel happy because at least you tried.

I don't think failure is the end of the road, I think it's the beginning, but to truly do anything that matters to you, you have to let go of other people's idea of success.

I've failed many times and I enjoy it sometimes because every time I fail I learn something new and then I share whatever I learned with whoever will listen.

I have no idea what happens after that.



PPI came hotter too but Powel is staying on course until material and persistent inflation arrives .. whatever it means ..!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

what did FOMC minutes say YD ...

... that spooked this market ON ?

... do people believe that Fed will continue to buy Treasuries & MBS to provide liquidity ..?

teenies dropped to 1.268

Saturday, July 3, 2021

here we go again ...

 NV leads the nation in Covid cases as the strip is in full action  ... its delta time ..!

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...