Thursday, July 22, 2021

Can INTPs be manipulated, and if so then how?

** a beautiful answer i found on Quora about INTP ***

Not really. Manipulation is a form of control and when an INTP feels controlled they will avoid you, make cutting remarks, or get angry and fight back. And what is manipulation, but an orchestrated or unfair maneuver. Mental distortion, or emotional exploitation simply doesn’t work with INTP.  Skillful words, appeals to emotion, trying to get them to feel sorry for you, or getting into something they don’t want to, won’t work out very well. They won’t get political about it either and go behind your back like some people would. They’re upfront and won’t mince words. Deceit is a dangerous quality to have around an INTP, who can sniff things out like a detective at a crime scene. Once more, a light sense of humor, paired up with an intrinsic ability to cut through BS could actually make them laugh in your face. If its a planned and dangerous kind of manipulation they will appear as if they don’t understand, but they do. The only ones they care about or willing to make sacrifices for are usually close family members, or life long trusted friends  ... "BUT THAT LEEWAY ONLY LASTS SO LONG ...MY WORDS IN CAPITALS"

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