Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Frances Haugen testimony against FB

like most things in human behavior, i find it funny .. no, in this case, its actually strange & funny ..!

the good looking blonde claims that FB uses engagement marketing to make the product addictive, just like cigarettes companies did, until they placed the warning on the box .. & i fully agree with her claim .. full disclosure, I am not even on FB, forget about insta, et al.

but here is how i find her testimony, funny & strange .. as she disclosed that she has an MBA from Harvard; so the blonde does have a brain, & she studied engagement marketing at Harvard .. aha ...!

okay, let's play this story in reverse ... IF you have an MBA in Product Marketing with specialization in engagement marketing & join a company like FB .. what are you supposed to do ..?  NOT make a product addictive (or more addictive, since it was addictive 4 years ago ..!)   Not sure what they taught her at Harvard ..?   why would someone hire you to pay big bucks ..? ..or where does she think, her salary come from, If not from the profits of the company ? did they not teach her that in Harvard..?

but she chose to work at FB .. did she not do any research before joining the company, or do they not teach that in Harvard ..!

she made the decision to study product marketing at Harvard say 4 years ago, then chose to specialize in engage marketing 3 years ago, then chose to work with FB, 2 years ago, accepted all the salary and benefits in those two years .. not sure how much time was she working, as she collected some 10,000 pages of documentation without getting noticed or caught ... maybe she was caught which triggered the whole thing .. & now comes the realization or as they call it  "enlightenment" to her that "engagement marketing is injurious to people's health" .. really, now only she got it ... IF so, that's hell of a delayed response even for a blonde ... & no one questioned this Harvard graduated beauty with delayed response brain that what has changed in last 4 years ..?

IF she was smart enough, then she would know this before even entering a college, as she claimed that she, like other millennials have grown up using these products (looking at the Senator, which he found funny, as he thought of his youth and FB .. like what !) .. especially, someone going to Harvard; Yes, that's public information now ..!

so i find the story funny, but doesn't surprise me .. because its Human Behavior, playing with convenience, & most people don't know much about their own ..!

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