Monday, March 28, 2022

mystery of God - resolved ..!

its an infamous famous question - does God exist or not ..?

first of all, in a typical VIP style, i always ask a question for a question, and in this case, it would be ...

why do you wanna know about God in first place ..? which answers the question ... haha ..!

its all about expectations ..! Isn't it ..?

those who don't believe in God need no answer because this question doesn't even arise, and since there is no God, there are no expectations ... & with that who cares ..!

then there is another category of people - who believe in God OR would like to believe in God; & have the question ..!

& the answer for them - its all about expectations - IF you have no expectations from God, whether God exist or not - how does it matter ..?

now comes the real question ...?

It only matters, when you need help & you wanna know, Will God come to my help, when i need one ..?     If so, then you would wanna believe in God ... got you ..!

& in that context the answer is quite simple ...

God ain't coming to rescue you ... guaranteed - as God (IF you believe in ...) created universe with a set of laws; created humans and gave them free-will ... & you are your own, but allowed to function within those laws, but no expectations from him/her .... because helping one person would be partiality towards one over others ... & God being God can't be partial ... isn't it .?

however, IF believing in God gives you motivation to do good, to work hard, to get out of depression ... or if meditation gives you peace of mind or better use of your own mind ... that's up to you ..! 

now do you still wanna know about God & ask the question ..?

i am giving the synopsis here, full details on Wellness/Hinduism page on the site.

1 comment:

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...