Friday, April 29, 2022

it's human nature to ask for more .. aka negotiations

but once you reach the limit of the other party & they stop caring about the process ... & IF you don't known when to fold .. it goes down hill from here, so the offer becomes worse over time, which means you will never be happy with the outcome, as its less than what you could have had;

so, is it worth negotiating?

let me talk about the religious intolerance in India, as an example ...

things are starting to look better in India since BJP/Modi govt. came in power in 2014 with that, folks who had free ride in last 70 years (since independence) feel the pressure, to which some of the intellectuals (bloody lefties) and the bollywood types (rich but uneducated) call a change in religious intolerance ... but what these stupid idiots don't realize is that India as a country & Hinduism as a religion are the most tolerant in nature ... we are taught to give 100% to our guests, we let the tyrants live in our home ... but its human nature to always ask for more ... and now that we ask them to stop doing stupid things like, not using loudspeakers starting early in the morning, to public land encroachment needs to be curtailed ... the lefties are right that religious intolerance is coming down, as a patience of those who follow Hinduism is waning .. supported by Congress govt., the lefties could do whatever the hell they wanted in the name of secularism and tolerance, but all this is starting to change to run the country per constitution.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Q1 GDP down 1.4%

GDP loss first time since out of covid

FB disappoints on QE, stock jumps after going down 50% YTD

TELADOC - a Cathy Wood favorite plummets
market finds support at 4200

Monday, April 25, 2022

from 4500 to 4200 over 2 days ... ok throw in the weekend ...

for those who didn't realize that 4350 to 4500 was a short market rally

& now waiting for tech earnings to rescue but are Feds heading for 50 basis in May ..!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Cathie Wood’s flagship fund is down 45% this year, but money is still flowing in

talk about human behavior ... i.e. men don't learn ... but, women is another story ..  when women lead men, they make sure men never learn .. as in this situation, most of the men will end up holding their portfolio in anticipation of 80+% returns just to break even ... think about it ..!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

why current Mathematics is not suited to study finance ..?

although its good to handle accounting which is about checks and balances or debit & credits, but finance is not about balances, rather creating something new, but while in creation, a human mind also end up in creating bubbles ... think about it ..!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

loud speaker situation in India ..!

its such a stupid argument to play azaan on loud speakers in Mosques in India starting at 5am each morning, when even a marriage gathering in India passes by a Mosque, they pass through silently ... being born & brought up in old Delhi, I am a witness.

its the hypocrisy of muslim religion & people who do not have these rights in muslim countries, claim these activities as their right on Hinduism's birth place, arguing that since it has been going for so long, it must continue .. fucking backward thinking people but its also the support of failed congress party which used them during last 75 years ..!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

beautiful creations ...

on this my favorite song by two young girls from Ukraine with an accent but actually from Los Angeles


30 years mortgage hits 5.25%

 CPI & PPI jindabad ... Market is doing Fed's job for them ..!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

hot or cold ..?

 or hot getting cooler ..?

 CPI came light this morning boosted the stocks.

Monday, April 11, 2022

inflation or recession ..? or is it both ..?

crude down 5%

teenies 2.75% 

china in lock down mode

markets down 0.5% or higher this morning

Saturday, April 9, 2022

is Imran Khan looking for a visa to India ..?

he is an ex-PM of Pakistan, where most of ex's are hanged & he is not welcomed in UK ... so he is thinking of his options ... maybe we can hire him to coach our cricket team or something ..!

In his address to nation, he compared India and Pakistan and said that both countries got freedom 75 years ago .. & that illiterate idiot is so far from reality, Pakistan never got the freedom .. rather, India got the freedom and we gave them something for free, and obviously, they never could understand its value ... as they dared to attack India so many times and got the slap on the face .. now the whole world knows their aukat.

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...