Thursday, May 26, 2022

PHS down ...

 as more people are rushing to sell their homes and affordability going in reverse as rates going up

30 year mortgage 5.1% down from 5.3%

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

New home sales down 16.6% ...

 those signed contracts are feeling the pressure of rising rates

snap plunges 40+%, goes below IPO price ... changes guidance from 44% to < 20%

all advertising platforms will feel the possibility of a recession in next 12 months.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

tighter margins coupled with inflation ...

 what does it mean that these hefty PE ratios won't hold ... 

& with NO fed put anymore ... rates are not going down.

what would it do to stock prices ..?

My great Country India ... Mera Bharat mahan ...!

is India all about Taj Mahal & industries installed by British ..?

some claim that what you see in India today is given to us by Moghuls and British ... but what is now becoming known is that Moghuls destroyed Indian treasures to build their own and British took the precious stuff to London and in exchange exploited Indian workers and for that they installed industries  ... still where does the world goes to happy & health living.

my great Country India for Meditation, Yoga & Ayurveda ..! 

Mera Bharat Mahan .!

with tight money, what happened to SPACs ..?

SPAC what ..? oh, you already forgot about them ...!

me too ..!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

inflation .. inflation .. inflation ... where have you been ..?

we have been printing for 20+ years now, 

but you waited till Corona, 

maybe it was dems; 

maybe its the Ukraine war & now your are not going away

even the genius thought, it was a transitory stay ...

& now you only drop to 8.3 ... dropping part is a joke, but factual; 

core CPI 6.2, both way too high ..!

btw, it's not that people are wrong, but they try do something which is impossible - predicting future .. haha ..!

as many people i talk to, which are not many, but no one seem to love his/her corporate job ... why?

because by design, a corporate is big, so many people, so many agendas and everyone above, below and on the side is ambitious, & potty trained; i mean politically trained, driving you nuts, unless you are better than them ... throwing shit back at them... which builds up stress and productivity goes down ... so, mostly you are thinking about politics and survival.

solution: keep organization small, one person responsible, simple agenda; people stay in it or leave ... some may call it VIP style dictatorship .. so be it, at least it will keep you honest and happy ..!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Peloton, Palnatir .. sound similar .. what ..?

 well, one is fitness and other is software .. but what's common between them ..?


Monday, May 9, 2022

S&P down 16% from Jan high

made new low ON

teenies 3.14, not stopping going up

BTC another 5% down to 32K

crude stays near 108

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Ram-rajya - a Vision by Modi & Yogi

two people who come from humble background as clearly shown in their interactions with people & who work not in their personal or family interests, but for the sake of the country

but there was another interpretation, as understood by Gandhi, which turned into a disaster in last 70 years .. whose interests was Gandhi looking for ..?   think about it ..!

your experience at a Restaurant

"A Restaurant (reputation, location, ambience, Menu, pricing, Seating/Table location, Service) builds a confidence in you to take a plunge until the Meal is served, but the actual outcome of the Meal is realized based on your mood, your tummy situation, the Ingestion and Digestion process, & a gap to the Next Meal ... you can't be under confident to not take a plunge and over-confident to not act after each Course/Meal ... everything happens in real-time, no prediction whatsoever ...!"

Friday, May 6, 2022

in UP, India one lakh (100K) loudspeaker are taken down ...

here are two key points:

1) that there were one lakh loudspeakers were in action, which were creating noise pollution, & consuming electricity

2) its only in India as a country, a minority community was allowed to use one lakh loudspeakers for religious use in public & folk call that muslims are suffering in the country

APR NFP - 428K; UNEMPL stayed 3.6%

participation rate 62.2 declined which will put pressure on wages

did productivity numbers (-7.5%) spook the markets yesterday ?

NASD makes an intra-day low of the year.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

bond markets want more ...

hurting their stock brethren today ...!

tennies 3.1; crude 108; so everyone is talking about energy & not tech .. what ..?

how about 60/40 ? is it working ..?

i like when folks in financial media start to say, "we don't know what's going on .." .. the point is no one ever does, its simply they talk about markets going up all the time, and over the years, market stays long roughly 3/4th of the time ... but it was all shit ... as proven now, when they are starting to recognize that they are talking shit ..!

S&P is trading at 19x earnings, assuming earnings remains same as projected by idiots, those who do this for living ..!

how about crypto ..? does that coin look worth something, when selling under $37K or is it worth $1 ... think about it ... its called a coin for a reason .. do you know, why?

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Monday, May 2, 2022

YTD low today & a turnaround ..!

now waiting to hearing from Fed chief for a dovish tone ... how funny, market runs on a tone ..?

Maybe flowers would help ... That's why i call her Ms. Market ..!

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...