Friday, September 15, 2023

unions need to be re-organized to bring us into future ... really !

OR what's the role of unions in 21st Century?

its a 1800 phenomenon, suited for age of industrialization, & supporting them will take the country 200 years behind; unions were applicable when factory owners exploited workers, who had no regulations to support them or faced challenges with immobility; labor compensation has nothing to do with profits of a company

companies move production to Mexico; jobs are lost, factories close & the next dems govt. passes a bill to inject another $1T in the economy to build factories ... sounds familiar ... its called the chips act in present time; 

finally when the inflation becomes so high, they would raise minimum wage (as proposed in CA!) ... you see the fuck up in this cycle.

we are all facing inflation, but who caused it .. $3T injection during Pandemic & now someone has to pay for it ..!

democrats always have an eye on other's money; remember 2% of asset for EW

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