Saturday, October 31, 2020

5G protetction hats ...

recently i saw an advt for a hat that you can wear to protect your head from the radiations of 5G cell towers .. seriously, do we really need 5G, so people can watch movies on the street or play video games while walking ..?

is this technology really building a solution or a curse to mankind?

it is more true to those guys who already run a high power CPU in their head, like me .. i guess it explains why am i losing my hairs ..!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

did tech really spook the markets ..?

 from the this afternoon at 3330 to 3230;  3% drop ON. 

OR is it Joe's welcome package ..?

Happy & Halloween

Bloomberg says, "Megacap tech disappoint the market ..."

i say, "she wasn't happy in first place",  so no matter how hard you try, it ain't gonna help; as her (un) happiness / disappointment is her internal matter (you know who, the market!)

think about it .. as this piece completes the Liz story, i wrote few days ago ...!

US GDP grew 33.1% in 3rd Quarter ...

although its a false comparison, as the base was Q2 when he economy was in a lock down. 

IJC: 700K CJC: 7M still high but improving

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

news on EU lock down + limited guidance from companies ...

plus, the testimony of tech CEO's ; drop in oil & energy sector & on top of that no stimulus ...

spooked the markets ...!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett & the Stimulus talks fail ...

exactly as planned, & people felt uncertainty all along ... 

in fact, as i see it, it was full of drama but 100% certainty .. that's called politics ..!

but looking differently, it was cheap politics on Pelosi's part .. she knew all along that senate wouldn't agree to multi- trillion dollars; so, pretend the talks, extend as long as possible, and then drop the ball on Trump / republicans, a week before the election ... who's the script writer here .. i believe those who master in movie / drama business become politicians..!

Liz - Elizabeth Taylor story

watched the movie - really insightful ...

Elizabeth Taylor - one of the most beautiful women ever lived; smart, talented, rich & successful by any comparison .. but the other side of her life is that she was married 8 times, to 7 men (twice to Richard Burton) ... & all these men were handsome, rich & successful, but none of the marriage did last long, even when any of these guys would give their life for her ... so, what happened ..? 

from my observations, watching the movie, she enters each marriage happily & willfully but she ended all the marriages which span from 1950 to 1990 (over a 40 years period .. WoW!) because she finds something new & something exciting in next one, which makes her unhappy in current situation .. now that's hell of a story for a researcher of human behavior like me .. so is it all about your happiness, right? is it my over-simplification ..?

& IF the above statement is true, then the situation becomes much simpler, how do you define happiness and where does it come from?

To be continued ...

on 10/29, where market dropped 3% ON despite solid mega tech earnings; & to that i wrote  the following: "market dropped because she wasn't happy in first place ..."  so no matter how hard you try, it ain't gonna help; as her (un) happiness / disappointment is her internal matter (you know who, the market!)

think about it .. both market & Liz's  story have a lot in common ...!

SAP lost a quarter of its value in a day

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Happy Navaratri ...


                                                  & a new addition to TheVIP's kitchen

Thursday, October 22, 2020

debates and markets ...

contrast to previous debate when market dropped big ON, today, not only market made a positive run going into the debate but stayed there .. 

but tomorrow is another day ..!

teenies crossing 0.80

heading to 0.85 by EOD; believing in improving odds of stimulus; plus better claims data.

IJC: 787K CJC: 837M

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Flaw ...

 watched this beautiful documentary - The Flaw .. & there is a line in it and i am paraphrasing Mr. Greenspan, which goes , "that we aren't smart enough to understand and solve every problem"

i agree with him, but my response to it, is because, we are looking and solving from Man's perspective, where -2 & +2 are equidistant from zero on number line, and their sum is zero; but there is another perspective, where gain of $100 is not same as loss of $100, which is an altogether different math; the God's perspective.

Monday, October 19, 2020

negotiating with the negotiator ...

when both the parties are smart, or at least look smart, it becomes kids play or call it a chicken's game.

Trump withdrew the deal as he came out of corona.

then the got back on the table to put the ball in Dems court; Mnuchin in front.

on the side, senate is not ready with big package

Nancy, the kiddo, gave the timeout till Tuesday to our Trumpy boy 

& then the talks resume .. the point is, should the deal fall off and dems loose, Kamala will have a dual with Nancy it will have a perfect show, & you may guess the end. 

well, the two women come from across the Bay, Yes, Bay area San Francisco .. WoW ..!

chinese industrial output returns to pre-pandemic levels ...

 that's the advantage of single party rule .. rather than butchering that's happening in US.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Wall Street (2010) - money never sleeps

funny, I watched the movie, again, over this weekend, & realized (only now) that Michael Douglas aka Gordon Gekko, refers to WS as women; & explains that to his prodigy; hence the title of the movie - "Money never sleeps"

Thursday, October 15, 2020

IJC about the same in 800K range, while CJC come down ...

stimulus talks got stuck at ideology level .. of course, both parties are looking from the elections perspective ... especially, dems are looking what could help them to defeat Trump - a totally negative attitude.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

QE season begins with JPM & Citi ...

 both came solid, but there are questions about how much reserves they need to hold .. what i find funny is people look for certainty when there is none .. just deal with what you have and enjoy life ..!

anyway, Apple is launching a new iPhone today, while AMZN has its prime day .. just a coincidence .. 

someone made a good comment that its a $1000 phone & most people don't use beyond $200 of features, and the phone looses its value in 3 years ... i call it the highest level of stupidity by mankind as people pay  $800 simply to hold a piece in their hand, show off & feel good about it ..!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

garlici dhaniya aloo - like Julius Gais Ceaser

                                                       a new addition to TheVIP's kitchen

                                                         in relation to jeera aloo family

Friday, October 9, 2020

simulus hopes bring market to 3460

 & if it don't make any progress, either today or over the weekend, it could turn into a huge downside ..!

Have a nice weekend ..!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

WTF .. a 26 years old need health insurance in parent's policy ...?

stupid dems policies .. really, is that what you need to sell to get into power ?

at 18, you have a right to vote & right to fuck (of course, with consent), but need to depend on your parents for health insurance ..!

the "affordable healthcare act" is almost gone because its not affordable and can't survive unless highly subsidized by govt.

from Kejriwal to Kamala, the stupid left needs a lesson in economics 101 that there is no such things as "free" in this world .. so, stop selling your stupid ideas ..!

** in reference to the VP debate last night .. disclosure: i am independent voter, & I know that all politicians lie and i am not even concerned about that because its a fact, but i really hate when politicians use catchy words to persuade people using false logic.

IJC: 800K; CJC: 11M

way too high ..!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

even smart folks in media parse the message selectively ...

 or is it purposely as media belongs to specific political party ..!

YD most of the news channels blamed Trump for withdrawing from negotiations, so he has to come out and say himself that he is only opposing a stimulus but not ready to bail out cities & states who can't manage their budget. 

market recovered 2/3rd of YD losses.

he is not against helping people in need .. can you imagine that we are talking about trillions of dollars; how many generation out are they selling to cover this debt; it will stall growth for years to come.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020

Friday, October 2, 2020

Pvt. sector Payroll gained 877K; Govt. sector lost jobs .. net 661K

but the short positions got filled ON after Trump tweet; so the traders got to fill the chest taking market long 

& then the talks of some sort of agreement on stimulus provided second boost; although still neg for the day.

Have a nice weekend ..!

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...