Monday, July 31, 2023

a Las Vegas icon ... now at Resorts World

China's momentum is fading ... growth slowing down

funny for last one year, the financial media and experts were talking about a recession in US; the topic was beaten so much that they have stopped talking about it ... while the market continues to rise and just about there, as compared to its last high ... & then it will hit by something where no one is looking ... 

China .. wait till 2024 ..!

Friday, July 28, 2023

latest addition to Vegas sky line ... MSG

Mission Accomplished ... Aug 2014 - 2023

a journey that started 10 years ago in San Francisco CA, where i stayed for few days, walked all over the city and developed the idea that Market Behavior is based on Human Behavior and Emotions (& not mambo jumbos like fundamentals or charts), which took a decade and several trips around the World, finally became a reality as testing of v5.0 completed in Jul 2023

as i mentioned earlier, i hope there is no 6.0; so i will go in pure execution mode till Dec 2023 and then move onto another mission which will last another decade ..!


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Q2 GDP 2.4% when smarties have been talking about recession for 1Y ...

 it will come ... eventually and then they will be wrong again ... so why bother in predicting in first place ..? 

or some will say, "i predicted it 2 years ago ..!"

Monday, July 17, 2023

with love, Vegas baby ..!

paying for sex is illegal , but there is no free sex ..?

This argument shows how fucked up human thinking is in current era, which leads to legal framework and then you tell people that they have committed a crime .. only in case you catch them and what % is that to reality?

Tell your wife that you are taking a break for one year from your job, and btw you plan to stay at home ... you know what will happen or is it a mystery?

Think about it. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

If you enjoy numbers, you will like this ..?


What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil?

The 10 largest oil producers and share of total world oil production in 2022

CountryMillion barrels per dayShare of world total
United States20.2120%
Saudi Arabia12.1412%
Russia10.94 11%
Canada  5.70
Iraq  4.55
United Arab Emirates
Iran  3.66
Kuwait  3.02
Total top 1073.36
World total99.89

Qatar which has higher GDP per capita than US is not even on the top 10 list of oil producers; its the power of low population & higher quality of life as a country

The 10 largest oil consumers and share of total world oil consumption in 2021

CountryMillion barrels per dayShare of world total
United States19.8921%
India  4.79  5%
Russia  3.67
Saudi Arabia  3.35
Brazil  2.96
South Korea  2.58
Canada  2.26
Germany  2.13
Total top 1059.80
World total96.66

Friday, July 7, 2023

Logic Model of Market & Human Behavior

in the 10th year of this venture, as I am near its completion, I changed my tagline from "Investment minus Emotions" to "Logical Model of Market & Human Behavior" as it is close to my experience now, than 10 year ago.

in last decade, i have been able to not only quantify Human Behavior (based on my own Mathematics) which is based on Logic; hence the outcomes are repeatable.

Jun NFP 209K ... unempl rate 3.6%

 totally different perspective from ADP yesterday

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Jun ADP Payroll 497K vs est 220K

much stronger for fed to deal with, as tone of the last FOMC minutes were hawkish,

Maha Shiva Ratri - Feb 25 2025

of course, the day has a huge significance spiritually, but i wanted to write as a moment of time in my life - the day i discovered MB as Th...